Jeff council to hold first reading on revised noise ordinance

Jefferson mayor Matt Gordon and council member Pat Zmolek were listening as residents expressed concerns about a noise ordinance proposed last month. First reading of the ordinance was tabled at the time so the two, serving as the council’s police committee, could work with police chief Mark Clouse in revising the proposed ordinance.

The new version of the ordinance incorporates virtually all of the comments made at the council’s June 9 meeting. The maximum decibels permitted in a residential area is not changed – 65 dB between 7 am and 9 pm, and 55 dB between 9 pm and 7 am.

Exclusions that caused concern are changed. An exclusion for the noise of snow removal equipment was changed, removing the 6 am “start time” for snow removal. Residents were concerned that didn’t give adequate time to clear snow before the start of a work day. Instead, the sound of snow removal equipment is exempt from the time there has been an accumulation of one-half niche of snow until the snowfall has ended and has been removed or plowed from city streets.

The draft ordinance also included an exception for the noise of engine testing and repair, allowing any level of noise between 7 am and 9 pm. Neighbors gave a very specific example of a driveway mechanic who, according to one neighbor, has already prompted one person to move from town and is close to prompting another to flee.

The revised ordinance strikes that exclusion all together.

Parents had shared concern their children playing outdoors could be noisy enough to violate the ordinance. The revised ordinance specifically excludes the sound of the unamplified voices of children under the age of 16 during “normal” play.

The ordinance will be posted to the city website before the Tuesday meeting, mayor Gordon told residents at the June meeting.

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