Summer road work progressing well

~by Janice Harbaugh for Greene County News Online

An uptick in positive cases of COVID-19 in Greene County over the past week was discussed at the regular meeting of the Greene County board of supervisors on June 15. Engineer Wade Weiss said a meeting of the Emergency Operations Center was scheduled for later in the day.

Wade Weiss reported electronically on work across the county. The relocated airport road is open and the Paton bridge project is done. Air conditioning for the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower is completed. Road gravelling is almost done.

Weiss also discussed an idea presented to him by Dan Towers, Greene County conservation, for a new boat ramp on the Raccoon River. “The Mc Mahon Access has been repaired and FEMA is receptive to moving (leftover) funds to a new access,” Weiss said.

County attorney Thomas Laehn reported an uptick in criminal cases. Ten cases have been added to the 86 cases already pending.

Laehn also described a bill, House File 2502, awaiting the governor’s signature. If signed, the law would void the county’s current prohibition of firearms or dangerous weapons in the courthouse. The new law would require screening and armed security in the building if firearms and weapons are prohibited.

The county has recently enhanced security in some offices at the courthouse, but the supervisors have been reluctant to add screening and security personnel not only due to the expense, but also in consideration of the building’s historic integrity.

The supervisors went into a drainage trustee meeting to discuss progress on DD14 in Greenbrier Township and DD191 near Scranton. Jacob Hagen of Bolton and Menk, consulting engineers, was present.

The board approved final payment for work on DD14 and an additional $7,000 for crop loss or damage during construction. A completion, classification, and annexation hearing date is set for July 27 at 9 am. Annexation of 110.2 acres is planned. 

The board also approved the first payment for work done on DD191. Hagen said progress is good. The board approved $193,927.91 to be paid.

During the open forum, Chris Henning, farmers market coordinator, reported restrooms in the courthouse would need to be open for the farmers market to be held. Ginny Showman, who was also in attendance, said the restrooms at Thomas Jefferson Gardens could be opened.

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