Letter to the editor – Bruce Banister, Vote in November

To the editor,

Donald Trump hides in a bunker, orders the teargassing of peaceful protesters, then poses with a Bible in front of a church. What sort of person would do this? Only a coward and a bully.

What sort of a president calls state governors “jerks” and threatens his own citizens with military force?  Only a president who wants to be a dictator and is a traitor to everything our country stands for.

I don’t condone the recent violence or the looting, but I can understand why it has happened.

There are a lot of good things about America, but there are also some deep problems. I grew up in the ‘60s and thought that after a lot of strife some progress had been made on inequality and racism.

I don’t see it now.

We will never have a just, peaceful and vibrant society as long as we tolerate racism and great disparity of wealth.

Trump is a symptom of this, he is not solely the cause. Trump and his minions have taken a wrecking ball to the country. His response to Covid-19 has been worse than no response at all.

How are farmers supposed to live with sub $3 corn?

He has done grave damage to our judicial system.

He has rolled back environmental regulations and has opened public lands to pillage.

Trump is a liar and a cheat and he may well lie and cheat his way into another four years in office. I shudder to think what kind of devastation he will leave behind if reelected.

Please vote in November and make sure this doesn’t happen. Take your pick: Sleepy Joe or Traitor Trump.


Bruce Banister, Jefferson

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