IWD director asks Iowans to have patience with staff

Vows claims will get paid COVID-19 is not only challenging the health of people across the country and the globe, but it’s also challenging economies as mitigation efforts stall and sometimes halt business. Gov Kim Reynolds at her daily coronavirus press briefing Thursday asked Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) director Beth Townsend to share unemployment numbers for the state.

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PPE, ventilators, small business grants, schools topics at Reynolds’ press briefing

~by Victoria Riley, GreeneCountyNewsOnline Iowa is still lacking in personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare providers, but the state is in good shape for other resources, according to Iowa Department of Public Health deputy director Sarah Reisetter. “The PPE shortages are real,” she said during Gov Kim Reynolds’ press conference Wednesday (April 8). IDPH is continuing to “look for PPE…

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Scranton alumni reunion postponed to ’21

For more than 40 years, graduates and friends of the Scranton High School have gathered every five years to renew friendships and recall “the good old days”. The date is always the third Saturday in June. However, given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 outbreak, the committee has opted to postpone the reunion for a year. The new date is Saturday,…

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Disgust turns to grief

~a column by Colleen O’Brien Have you noticed that the administration is not wearing face masks at the podium? And the wooden-faced in the background are standing too close to one another? We are told by the CDC to stay home; if we have to go out, keep a six-foot distance from others; wear masks because we’re dealing with what…

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Voting changes made for June 2 primary

~by The Scranton Journal The primary election on Tuesday, June 2, will be different from any previous election held in Greene County. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, changes have been made to protect both the voters and the poll workers. Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate says his office plans to mail an absentee ballot request form to every active…

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Supervisors discuss county COVID response

Hog confinement construction season opens with two new sites ~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline The Greene County board of supervisors met for a third week in the courthouse which has been closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The audio of the meeting was electronically available to the public through zoom.us. Supervisor meetings will continue with the board…

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