The Greene County Community Center will reopen Friday at 5 am. A few rules have been added to comply with COVID-19 mitigation.
No youngsters younger than 14 will be allowed unless they are accompanied by an adult (age 18 or older) from the household in which they live.
The gymnasium will be limited to 10 persons per half court, with the dividing curtain down. There will be no team games so that a 6-foot social distance can be maintained.
Only one person will be allowed in the racquetball room at a time. Users of the weight room and cardio machines must also follow social distancing. Equipment has not been moved, so every other station must be out of use to maintain the 6-foot distance. As always, but more important now, everyone is responsible for disinfecting the equipment they’ve used with disinfectant provided at the community center.
Classes with 10 participants or fewer will resume if the 6-foot distance can be maintained.
JPRD director Dennis Hammen notes that Community Center staff members have the authority and responsibility to ask noncompliant members to leave the building at any time.