The Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency board of directors has selected Dr. Susie Meade as its next chief administrator.
The Prairie Lakes AEA board began its search for a new chief administrator after Jeff Herzberg announced his resignation effective June 2020. Herzberg, who has served as the chief administrator since 2010, plans to return to the classroom as a teacher/coach.
In her new role, Meade will support the agency’s 247 full and part-time employees who provide special education and school improvement services in 14 counties across north central Iowa. These counties include 38 public school districts – including the Greene County and Paton-Churdan districts – and 11 state accredited non-public schools with a combined enrollment of almost 32,000 students. The agency also provides services for children from birth-age 3 and their families.
“My entire career has been focused on helping students and improving teaching and learning. I’m honored to continue that effort by working with the dedicated staff at Prairie Lakes AEA,” Meade said. “I feel like this is a unique opportunity to expand my reach and focus by impacting even more students and districts. I’m excited to begin working in an organization known for quality people and programs.
Meade has been the superintendent at Winterset Community School District since 2012. She brings experience in school leadership positions, including as a school principal. Meade also has perspectives from the classroom as she has been a special education teacher. Meade holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa, and a master’s degree in special education from Mankato State University. She earned a doctor of philosophy in educational administration from Iowa State University, and has national superintendent certification through the American Association of School Administrators.
“We were committed to finding a person with the experience, skills, and vision to lead our agency into the future,” said Sue Brown, Prairie Lakes AEA Bboard president. “Dr. Meade is highly respected for her commitment and passion for education. The families, educators, and students served by Prairie Lakes AEA will benefit from her leadership.”