
~a column by Colleen O’Brien

“One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equate to 545 human beings out of the 300 million who are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.” ~Charlie Reese, former columnist, Orlando Sentinel Newspaper

Despite the soaring words of Adam Schiff regarding the dream of democracy that was hatched on these shores, the above Charley Reese quote is what I think of too many of our elected and appointed leaders right now.

Unlike Ronald Reagan, I do not think government is the problem; politicians win that status. I believe that a three-part balance of power is a workable solution to governance. The problem with it is that all players have to honor it. Like much of life, the executive, judicial and legislative branches of our government have to operate on the honor system, or it all falls apart.

Honorably is the only way to get through life without disliking yourself; without intentionally hurting everyone you come in contact with. Because we’re human, we’re certainly not honorable all the time. But there are moments in all our lives when we know we have to step up, bite the bullet, stand up straight – whatever cliché appeals to you – and act with honor.

Most of us won’t make the history books. But for those who will, they might keep in mind that although there’s plenty of history that is either not true or partially true, the real story of who was honorable and who wasn’t surfaces sometime, via some questioning writer, for some book that some honorable book house is willing to publish. Could be a hundred years from now. Could be today.

It’s inevitable that all of this fizzamatenten (a Yiddish word for too much bother, too much noise, too much lying, posturing, spouting nonsense, strutting like know-it-alls) surrounding an impeachment is grinding down to dust and ashes. Nothing solved.

But nothing ventured, nothing gained. The House had to do what it had to do: act with honor.

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