St Pat’s mass at St Patrick church

Mass will be celebrated Sunday, March 17 – St Patrick’s Day, at 12 pm at St Patrick historic church in Cedar Township. An Irish meal will be served after Mass. The menu will feature Luck of the Irish beef stew, Happy Go Lucky Spud Soup, Blarney Stone breads, and Shamrock sweets with fairy sprinkles. All are invited. A free will…

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Plans told for HabiTour 2019

Mix one part exercise with two parts fun, add a generous pinch of support then top with a festive celebration and you’ve got the HabiTour bike ride to support Habitat for Humanity. The ride is set for Saturday, August 24. With route length choices of 25, 50 and 100 miles, each ridden entirely on the safe and gently rolling Raccoon…

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The Behn Report

March 8, 2019 Week Eight in the legislature was the first funnel week of the year. This deadline requires policy bills to be out of their originating chamber’s committee in order to be considered for the rest of this year. Imposing this deadline forces legislators to focus on priority bills and bills with enough support to pass the chamber. The…

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Williamson suggests a national transformation is needed

Marianne Williamson has made leading people through personal transformation her career. As author of 13 books on transformational wisdom, she uses spirituality and psychology to help people tap into what it takes to change their lives for the better. Now, 35 years into her career, Williamson wants to transform the country in the same way. She’s running for the Democratic…

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