Total taxable valuation up for county

The increases most property owners saw in their assessments in 2018 make the news Pam Olerich gave the county supervisors Monday not a surprise. The total taxable valuation in Greene County for fiscal year 2020 increased 4.51 percent, the largest increase in the past five years. Olerich, real estate and tax coordinator in the county auditor’s office, called the figures…

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Rotary donates to food pantry building fund

The Jefferson Rotary Foundation recently donated $5,000 to the Greene County Christian Action Resource Center for the purchase of its new home at 1006 N. Vine St in Jefferson. The ARC food pantry serves about 100 different families a month, but according to ARC coordinator Dianne Blackmer, a record 140 families were served in November.

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Pulitzer Prize-winning editor to speak in Jefferson

Art Cullen, winner of the 2017 Pulitzer Prize in Editorial Writing and editor/co-owner of the Storm Lake Times, will be the featured speaker at a Ground Hog Day dinner Saturday, Feb. 2, in Jefferson. Cullen is known for his thoughtful commentary on immigration, water quality, and the impact of large-scale farming on the environment and on Iowa. Cullen will discuss…

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Genealogical Society meets Jan. 5

The Greene County Genealogical Society will hold a regular meeting Saturday, Jan. 5, at 10 am in the basement meeting room at the Jefferson public library. Installation of 2019 officers will take place. The genealogy library will be closed January, February and March, but the group will continue to meet the first Saturday of the month at 10 am. Persons…

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Ram wrestlers sweep CR-B duals 3-9

~courtesy of The Scranton Journal The Greene County wrestling team swept the Coon Rapids-Bayard duals Dec. 20 with wins over Collins-Maxwell, Nodaway Valley and CR-B. There were only four bouts in the C-M match with the Rams winning three of those. The Crusaders had seven wrestlers, but Greene County dispatched all seven, giving up only one forfeit for CR-B points.…

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In the neighborhood

Please send Rippey news to Jan. 2, 2019 NOTICE – Rippey Ladies Aid will meet at 1 pm at the church for the months of January-March. The next meeting is on Jan. 3.

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Looking back at 2018, looking ahead to 2019

The events of 2018 in Greene County will be talked about for a long time. Most people a year ago wouldn’t have guessed that before the end of the year the Greene County Schools and Jefferson would be mentioned in USA Today, the New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor, yet that’s what happened. The possibility of Jefferson, IA,…

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