The design committee of Jefferson Matters: Main Street presented a check for $500 to employees of Jefferson Iowa Realty and Mid-Iowa Insurance to reimburse work on the west side of the building, the wall that faces the north alley in downtown Jefferson.
This alley wall is considered a façade that will be a large part of the Arch Alley project of the Tower View Team. Building owners Mike Franey and Terry Axman submitted the application, had it approved, and oversaw the painting of the wall. They are excited to be involved in this project in downtown Jefferson. The design committee appreciates the efforts of building owners to spruce up their facades with these mini projects.

Façade mini-grants of up to $500 are available through Jefferson Matters: Main Street’s design committee. An application is available at the Main Street office or online on their website – Projects must be pre-approved according to the design guidelines approved by the city and the design committee.