The second Amazing Race for Charity – Greene County will be held Saturday, Sept. 7, in downtown Jefferson. The chosen charity for all the proceeds is the new proposed animal facility for Greene County.
Pre-registration is suggested through the website at www.amazingraceforcharitygc.com with teams of two competing with good-natured challenges – physical, mental and new experiences. There is a limit of 50 teams. Staff at Greene County Chamber & Tourism and Jefferson Matters: Main Street can assist with registration.
Teams are encouraged to dress up in costume to add to the atmosphere. Check in time is 9 am at the Mahanay bell tower. The VFW post at 109 N. Chestnut St is offering a breakfast from 8 to 10 am with free-will donations going to the animal facility.
The Amazing Race competition begins at 10 am and will take roughly two hours. A barbecue lunch is provided for the participants and volunteers at the end of the race on the plaza area. A local live band that was initiated into the Iowa Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2018, The Bushmen, will perform during the post party.
Participation as a sponsor is also available to support the charity with information found on the website. Sponsors can be individuals, businesses or organizations – anyone wanting to support this fundraising effort. Spectators are welcome to watch the teams as they compete and listen to concert.
Look for more info on Amazing Race for Charity Greene County’s Facebook page and the website: www.amazingraceforcharitygc.com