The board of Heart of Iowa Habitat for Humanity announces that executive director Erich Kretzinger will retire effective June 30. Kretzinger has been in the position for 10 years.
Following a succession plan created in 2014, when service area and staffing were expanded to include supporting Guthrie County volunteers, associate director Jeff Lamoureux will move into the position of executive director on July 1. A new associate director will soon be named.
As the affiliate’s first staff member and executive director, Kretzinger began his service in January, 2010, as the newly combined Boone and Greene Counties Habitat organizations looked to accelerate the number of families served each year. In addition, significant new mandates and regulations from government agencies and Habitat for Humanity International, greatly encouraged the move from an all-volunteer leadership model.
Since Kretzinger’s arrival, 14 new partner families have invested sweat equity alongside countless volunteers constructing or renovating their own new home. An additional 52 existing homeowners have been served through the innovative Helping Hands critical home repairs program. Adopted by Habitat affiliates across the nation, Helping Hands remains a central piece of the service model within the three Heart of Iowa counties.

New executive director Lamoureux began his Habitat for Humanity service in 2015, with primary responsibility for supporting volunteers, families and projects across Greene and Guthrie Counties. He is a long-time resident of Jefferson, where he volunteers across the community and coaches local high school sports teams. Jeff and his wife Jill are parents to four children, two in college and two in high school
A native of Jefferson, Kretzinger owned and managed successful regional businesses based in Boone County before selling the last in 2008. After an extended break, he accepted the call to lead Habitat’s local efforts, basing out of the Boone office. Kretzinger looks forward to enjoying the retired lifestyle, but acknowledges a willingness to consider new opportunities as they arrive. Erich and his wife Kari are parents to two adult children, both married and well-established in their professional careers.
“While Kretzinger’s departure may signal the end of an era, the local Heart of Iowa Habitat for Humanity affiliate is stronger than ever and in very capable and experienced hands as the next stage begins,” a board spokesperson said.