Register now for fall youth football

Early bird discount through May 31

The Greene County Youth Athletic Association (GCYAA) reminds parents that registration for  2019 fall youth football is now open. Parents can visit
to fill out the online registration. Parents will create a profile and enter  information only once that will save time for future registrations.

This is for football athletes who will be entering 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades in the fall.

Third and fourth graders will learn fundamentals of football through flag football; the registration fee is $65 per athlete.

Fifth and sixth graders will play modified tackle football. The registration fee is $175 per athlete.

Families pay full price for one athlete, with siblings receiving a $10 discount on the registration fee. An early bird discount of $10 per player is available now until May 31.

The Jefferson Rotary Foundation has provided GCYAA with funds to assist players with financial need. More information on the scholarships can be found on the GCYAA website. Payment plans are available to stretch payments through the summer as well.

There will be a hard cut off for registrations after Aug. 1 in order to allow time to pick teams. Practices will begin in August with games beginning in September. For more information please visit our website, or email us at .

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