Spring keeps springing

~a column by Colleen O’Brien Today is the first day of spring. How this happened so early this year is the wonder. But by now the surprise is that I’m surprised by the swiftness of time as it marches on; I am merely old enough that time speeds up as my speed dwindles, and I should be used to it…

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Informal probation will get a little more formal with pilot project

County attorney Thomas Laehn and sheriff Jack Williams hope to take the proverbial bite out of crime by putting more teeth into the informal probation assigned to an increasing number of offenders. After hearing a presentation Monday by Diane Hinderaker, director of the non-profit Boone County Probation, the supervisors are primed to approve a one-year pilot project involving 20 offenders,…

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Greene County magistrate court, week ending March 15

In Greene County magistrate court Michael Allen Olson of Jefferson was fined $65 with a $22.75 surcharge on a charge of public intoxication. A charge of disorderly conduct was dismissed. Court costs were $60. A case was initiated against Branden G. Smith of Jefferson on a charge of interference with official acts.

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School levy rate to decrease slightly for 2019-20

Board also discusses student farming, IJAG, and fulltime grounds keepers The proposed Greene County Schools budget for 2019-20 shows a slight decrease in the levy rate from the current year. The Greene County school board heard a presentation on the budget by superintendent Tim Christensen at its March 13 work session, and then set a public hearing on the budget…

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