Members of Jefferson Elks Lodge 2306 were out and about Jan. 23 delivering grant monies to seven local organizations. The funds were received from the Elks National Foundation from two different grant sources: a $2,000 Gratitude grant and a $1,500 Anniversary grant, for a total of $3,500
The grants were designated for use by the Elks organization to support local and charitable activities in the community.
The Elks donated $250 for a thermal imaging camera. Sheriff and Jefferson fire chief Jack Williams accepted a check from Elks treasurer Russ Johnson (left) and Elks exalted ruler Jack Hunter (right).A $400 donation went for continued support for the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. Pictured are (from left) Russ Johnson, sheriff Jack Williams, DARE instructor deputy Caleb Jans, and Jack Hunter.Greene County Middle School received $250 for the purchase of DARE bracelets for students. Pictured are (from left) Russ Johnson, Jack Hunter, middle school principal Shaun Zanders, and DARE instructor Caleb Jans.The Elks provided $500 to VFW Floyd Brown Post 9599 to aid local and regional veterans in need. Pictured are (from left) junior vice post quartermaster Craig Presley, post quartermaster Kenneth Arbuckle, post commander James Wasson, and Jack Hunter.The Elks gave the Jefferson park and recreation department $425 for the replacement of flags in the Memorial Day Avenues of Flags at the two cemeteries in Jefferson. The flags honor deceased local veterans. Pictured are (from left) Russ Johnson, JPRD director Vicky Lautner, and Jack Hunter.Greene County High School received $675 to be used to provide a safe venue for the homecoming and winter formal dances and the junior class chili supper at the Elks lodge. Pictured are (from left) Russ Johnson, junior class advisor Teresa Green and class president Kassie Lamoureux, sophomore class advisor Vicki Gustafson and class president Madison Hall, Jack Hunter, student council advisor Kelly Gray, senior class president Melanie Doran and class advisor Deb Marquardt.The Elks gave $1,000 to Greene County Elementary School for the Ram Reader program. The money will help purchase books so that all 600 students in the building receive four books of their own during the school year. Pictured are (seated, from left) Saphira King, Tatum Tucker and Mason Brown; and (standing, from left) Russ Johnson, Michele Harding and Jack Hunter.