All area residents who want to explore ways to grow through difficult times are invited to a Choose Joy conference Saturday, Jan. 26, from 9 am to noon at the St Joseph Parish Center in Jefferson. A light lunch will be served at noon.
Presenters Jill Miller and Laura Peterson conducted the Choose Joy conference a year ago at St Joseph and will return. Choose Joy is an ecumenical, spiritual experienced interspersed with music and participation by all those who attend.
“Each of us has been blessed with the gift of free will,” say Pedersen and Miller. “This gift means we all have choices to make… from the moment we get up in the morning until our head hits the pillow at night. Some of the choices are big and some are small, but they are all choices. Each of the choices we make determines our story.”
The goal of the conference is to inspire people to discover the power of making Godly choices that will guide them on their journey in life.
Presenter Jill Miller is a Nashville recording artist. She is a certified speaker, coach and teacher with the John Maxwell Team and wrote the first-ever theme song for the John Maxwell team. In her first book, “Grace Finds Wings, a Journey in Song,” she helps readers discover grace in challenges like infertility, divorce, financial struggles, marital infidelity and loss.
Presenter Laura Pedersen is also a certified speaker, coach, and teacher with the John Maxwell team. She is president of the Choose Joy Foundation. She shares her life’s journey with divorce, loss, and breast cancer, and how she discovered that it is during the hardest times that we experience the greatest growth if we choose to surrender ourselves to God and trust His will.
Persons who plan to attend the Choose Joy conference are asked to call the St Joseph parish office at 515-386-2638 or email for planning purposes. There is no charge for the conference, but a free will offering will be accepted to help cover the cost of the luncheon.
The conference is hosted by the St Joseph parish council. Persons of all faiths are welcome.