The Jefferson Rotary Foundation recently donated $5,000 to the Greene County Christian Action Resource Center for the purchase of its new home at 1006 N. Vine St in Jefferson.
The ARC food pantry serves about 100 different families a month, but according to ARC coordinator Dianne Blackmer, a record 140 families were served in November.
The number of families served has increased dramatically in the past 10 years, and the ARC has outgrown its location on E. Harrison St. The ARC board has been able to raise $69,000 to purchase the former Clark Heating and Plumbing store, and is close to the $30,000 needed for cleaning and minor remodeling.
Blackmer and ARC building committee chair Shirley Haupert were at the Rotary Club’s Dec. 17 meeting to talk about the project. “A lot of groups and individuals have stepped forward to help with this, and we’re grateful to all of them,” Haupert said.
The donation comes from proceeds of the recent Rotary auction. “We’re very happy to be part of this project that’s so important in our community,” said 2018 Rotary auction chair Joel Williams.
At the same meeting, Rotarians donated $745 to the Caring Christmas food drive sponsored by Raccoon Valley Radio. The cash will be used to purchase food to be distributed at the ARC.