Portions of bike trail closed next week

Repair work will begin the week of June 11 on the Raccoon River Valley Trail on two bridge approaches. One is two miles north of Cooper and the other is one mile north of Herndon. While this repair takes place, the Raccoon River Valley Trail will be closed from 267th to 290th St in Greene County and 100th to 110th…

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JPD tells sTEP results

Jefferson police officers arrested three drivers for operating while intoxicated and made three narcotics arrests during a special Traffic Enforcement Project conducted May 21 through June 3. Officers issued 38 citations as follows: speed, eight; driving with a suspended or revoked license, five; open container of alcohol in vehicle, five; registration violations, three; equipment violations, three; no proof of insurance,…

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Making mincemeat of a commentarian

~a column by Colleen O’Brien I’ve been using a computer I haven’t turned on since the early winter of 2017. I scanned through my documents from then to see what I’d saved from a season of unbelievable presidential campaign and its aftermath. Several of the columns I published at that time had to do with a man running for President…

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Letter to the editor – RAGBRAI exec committee

re: RAGBRAI finances  To the editor: Jefferson’s day to host the 46th Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa® (RAGBRAI) is approaching quickly. This year’s RAGBRAI is going to be the largest iteration to date, and the Jefferson RAGBRAI executive committee, advisory board, sub-committees and volunteers have already tallied thousands of hours ensuring that riders leave Jefferson believing we were…

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Letter to the editor – Pat Griffin

Re: Charges in fatal accident To the editor, If it was the responsibility of Greene County to file charges in the death of Pat Fields from Paton on June 6, 2017, the person responsible for filing either dropped the ball or had no balls. The semi Mr Shaw was driving struck the rear of the tractor Mr Fields was driving.…

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Thompson, Weaver to face off for IA House

In most races, Greene County voters vote like rest of Iowa In the only “local” primary race, Phil Thompson, a 2009 Jefferson-Scranton graduate, has won the Republican nomination for the Iowa House District 47 seat. Unofficial results show Thompson with 589 votes, Donald Batt of Boone with 380 votes, and Victoria Sinclair of Boone with 259 votes.

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In the neighborhood

Please send your Rippey news items to jeanb@iowatelecom.net Rippey News, June 4, 2018 Upcoming events Rippey Lions Club will meet on Thursday, June 7, at 7 pm in the home of Cindy and Mark Devilbiss. For the potluck meal, members may bring meat to grill and a dish to share. The next regular meeting will be in September.

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2018 Bell Tower of Fame Award to an ‘idea dude’

This year’s Bell Tower of Fame recipient is fondly called an “idea dude” as a result of his professional career that has spanned the state and nation. Terry Rich is an entrepreneur, author, zoo and lottery dude. Rich, a 1970 graduate of Jefferson High School (now Greene County High School), was born and raised on a farm in Franklin Township…

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Greene County district court, week ending May 31

In Greene County district court Bradley Keith Langfitt, 47, of Dana was sentenced to 10 days in jail after he changed his plea to guilty to a charge of possession of methamphetamine. The jail time was suspended and he was placed on unsupervised probation for one year. He must undergo a substance abuse evaluation and complete any recommended treatment at…

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