Middle school sports update

Boys finish first at Panorama Invitation cross country meet The Greene County middle school cross country team opened it season with a first place finish for the boys. Three runners finished in the top 10 at the Panorama Invitational Thursday. The girls finished seventh of eight teams that had enough runners for a team score.

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Letter to the editor – Allan Sieck

In support of David Weaver To the editor: I am writing in support of the election of David Weaver as our representative in the 47th district of the Iowa House of Representatives. David’s views reflect a broad and even cross section of Greene and Boone counties. As a farmer and candidate who was born and raised in the heart of…

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Ram girls seventh, boys 14th at Panorama cross country meet

The Greene County girls placed seventh and the boys placed 14th at the Panorama cross country invitational Thursday at the Panora Golf Club. Sophomore Conner Allender paced the Rams with a time of 23:52, good for 16th place. Other places and times and were Kassie Lamoureux, 25th, 24:39; Makala Kafer, 29th, 25:22; Ashlee Harmeyer, 54th, 26:49; Izzy Bravard, 55th, 26:49;…

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Wayfinding signs will be up soon

Wayfinding signs have arrived in Jefferson and will be installed soon by the city streets department. The aluminum signs are large – 6 ft tall – and heavier than one person can easily move. They’ll be installed on large posts that resemble the light poles around the downtown square and on the N. Elm St overpass. The posts are break-away…

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Fair Foundation auction nets $70,000

Completes $750,000 capital campaign The dinner and auction hosted by the Greene County Fair Foundation Sept. 4 raised more than $70,000 to complete a five-year capital campaign for improvements to the county fairgrounds. According to fair secretary Doug Hawn, more than 100 persons attended for a grilled dinner hosted by the Greene County Fair board and then bid on more…

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