Letter to the editor – Dick Finch

To the  editor of GreeneCountyNewsOnline, This letter has reference to a letter to editor published elsewhere from Ruth Naberhaus from Scranton and I thank her for it. How true it is. Property taxes are really out of control and I don’t see the big benefits of it. City streets in Jefferson are a shambles, trees are hanging down over stop…

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Sheriff’s report – September 2018

Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Greene County sheriff’s office: Sunday, Sept. 30: At 2:35 am a deputy investigated an assault with a gun in the 200 block of Main St in Paton. At 11:42 am a deputy investigated a harassment complaint in Dana. At 2:44 pm a deputy investigated a one-vehicle accident on 228th St and V…

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Police blotter – September 2018

Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Jefferson police department: Sunday, Sept. 30: Routine activity reported. Saturday, Sept. 29: At 2:11 am an officer noticed criminal mischief to Greene County High School. Toilet paper had been thrown in the trees and left on the ground. The officer is investigating. At 1:35 pm a complainant reported possibly being harassed in…

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Drive-thru flu shot clinic Thursday

When the Greene County public health staff is willing to walk out to people’s cars to administer flu shots there aren’t many good reasons not get the shot. Flu shots will be offered in the convenience of your vehicle at a drive-thru flu shot clinic Thursday, Oct. 4, from 3:30 to 6:30 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, 801 W. Lincoln…

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