With the exception of electing a Libertarian county attorney and an unopposed incumbent recorder, the majority of Greene County voters picked Republicans in every race. In the treasurer’s race, Republican challenger Katlynn Gannon/Mechaelsen leads eight-term incumbent Democrat Donna Lawson by three votes – 2,026 to 2,023. However, there are 40 absentee ballots not yet returned. Those are valid ballots if…
Read MoreYear: 2018
It’s Election Day
~courtesy of The Scranton Journal The general election in Greene County and across the state is slated for Tuesday, Nov. 6. While absentee voters have been casting their ballots early via mail and at the county auditor’s office, the polls will be open from 7 am to 9 pm at the following locations: Central Precinct: Clover Hall, Fairgrounds, 601 E.…
Read MoreWinter sports pep rally Thursday
Winter sports will be celebrated at a community pep rally Thursday, Nov. 8, at the Greene County middle school gym. Kick-off activities starting at 6 pm will include meet-and-greets with winter sports athletes and games and activities with boys and girls basketball players, wrestling and basketball cheerleaders, wrestlers, boys swimmers, concert and jazz band members, jazz choir members, large group…
Read MoreLetter to the editor – David Weaver
To the editor, On January 18, I announced my intention to be a candidate for the Iowa House and it has been a wonderful journey. I have met folks from all parts of Greene and Boone County that I likely never would have had the opportunity to meet or interact with. I joined the Boone County Chamber of Commerce and…
Read MoreGreene County district court, week ending Nov. 1
In Greene County district court Nathaniel Brown, 52, of Scranton was sentenced Oct. 26 to two years in prison after he was found guilty of domestic abuse assault- aggravated. He will be given credit for time served. Brown was fined $625 with a $218.75 surcharge; both were suspended due to his incarceration. He was also found unable to pay restitution…
Read MoreState GOP, Dems involving in House District 47 race
Republican Party of Iowa much more involved than Iowa Democratic Party With another campaign disclosure filing deadline past, the disparity in the budgets of candidates for the Iowa House District 47 is even greater. Candidates were required to file a report with the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board the Friday prior to the general election.
Read MoreLetter to the editor -John Brunow, Greene Co Democrats treasurer
To The Editor, Here in Greene County we are working on Get Out The Vote this weekend before the November 6 Election. As people participating in politics we are chasing absentee ballots and calling friends and neighbors and urging them to vote. Conversations revolve around election predictions of turnout and results.
Read MoreAmazing Race nets $1,755 for BOOST
Members of BOOST (Bringing Optimism and Opportunities to Students and Teachers) accepted a check last week for $1,755 from the organizers of Greene County’s inaugural Amazing Race for Charity.
Read MoreGJ Horizons invites all to exhibit trees, wreaths & stockings
The Grand Junction Horizons group invites all area businesses and organizations to participate in the third Festival of Trees, Wreaths and Stockings Sunday, Dec. 2, at the Grand Junction Community Center. The trees, wreaths and/or stockings will be displayed in conjunction with the Horizons holiday event.
Read MoreAlliant grant for Jamaica fire department
The Jamaica fire department was among 16 emergency response agencies to receive a Hometown Safety Grant from the Alliant Energy Foundation. A total of $3,334 was awarded for specific, one-time safety-related projects that benefit a wide range of people. The Jamaica fire department received $1,000 toward a communication upgrade.
Read MoreArt on the Prairie Nov. 10-11 in Perry
A rebirth of art and culture comes to life in a small town set on the prairie, with more than 100 Iowa artists, musicians, poets, and authors gathering in Perry’s Downtown Historic & Cultural District to celebrate the arts with the 9th Annual Art on the Prairie on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 10-11.
Read MoreExtension tells pesticide applicator course schedule
Greene County Extension and Outreach has scheduled commercial pesticide applicator training. The ornamental and turfgrass course will be held Wednesday, Nov. 7. Fumigation will held Tuesday, Nov. 13, and commercial and ag weed, insect and plant disease will be Wednesday, Nov. 14.
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