In the neighborhood

Please send your news to November 19, 2018 The Rippey United Methodist Church will host the ecumenical Thanksgiving service Wednesday, Nov. 21, The Churches from Grand Junction Presbyterian and United Methodists will participate. All are welcome to attend.

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Shaw sentenced to 90 days in jail

Truck driver in rear-end crash that killed Paton farmer In Greene County district court Troy Michael Shaw, 26, of Jefferson was sentenced Nov. 9 to one year in jail after he was found guilty Sept.30 at a trial by testimony of possession of heroin. The jail time was suspended and he was placed on probation for two years. He must…

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Extraordinary Citizen Award to 5-year-old Emerson

Emerson Bendickson, 5-year-old daughter of Jacob and Erin Bendickson, is Home State Bank’s Extraordinary Citizen for November. According to her grandmother Kim Bendickson, Emerson was devastated to learn that not all the children get milk during snack time as school. She took it upon herself (with help from her mother) to raise enough money to provide milk for her classmates…

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Ecumenical service this evening

All are invited to an ecumenical Thanksgiving worship service Sunday, Nov. 18, at 6:30 pm at First Baptist Church, 104 W. Central Ave, in Jefferson. Pastor Sheldon Henderson of Central Christian Church will give the message. The Greene County Singers and the First Baptist worship team will provide music and there will be congregational singing as well. An offering will…

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Hamilton joins ranks of DAISY nurses

Allison Hamilton, RN, case manager in acute nursing, was named Greene County Medical Center’s 10th DAISY Award honoree at a ceremony on Wednesday, Nov. 14. There were 13 nurses recognized at the event, representing every area of the medical center. Hamilton has been at the medical center since 2007. She began her career as a nurse’s aide, then LPN and…

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Christmas cantata at St Patrick Dec.2

All Strings Attached of Carroll will once again fill historic St Patrick Church in Cedar Township with music, performing a Christmas cantata Sunday, Dec. 2, at 4 pm. The cantata will be preceded by an open house at the church at 3 pm. Refreshments will be served. No reservations are needed or accepted. A free will donation will be taken.…

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