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Dec. 11, 2018
The Rippey United Methodist Church Christmas program will be held Sunday, Dec. 16, during worship services. The service will include the children and adults as they present the Christmas message.
LIONS CLUB -The Rippey Lions Club met Dec. 6 for its annual Christmas potluck and enjoyed a delicious meal coordinated by Cindy and Mark Devilbiss. Myron and Maralynn Rinker invited all present to share a favorite toy they received as a child. Memories included trains, dolls, erector sets and more.
Dick Bardole then led the group in favorite Christmas songs and included interesting background information on many of these.
The next meeting will be Thursday, Jan. 3, with a potluck meal. ~ Nancy Hanaman reporting.
Rippey library news
The Rippey library board will meet Monday, Dec. 17, for itsregular meeting. Note the change in day, as their regular meeting night falls on Christmas Eve.
We are planning a Christmas party on Wednesday, Dec. 19, from 2:30 – 4:30 pm. School is out early that day, so children can make a gift jar to take home. Candies and jar will be provided. We’ll also have popcorn, party mix, and a drink while they watch a Christmas movie. I hope there will be several students take advantage of this. Parents are welcome to come if they want to watch the movie and eat popcorn, too. ~Phyllis Bardole
Janice Johnston presented a musical program featuring her five students, Ethan Hooper and Summer South, violinists; pianists Joshuah Sparks, Daniel Cerveny, and Brogan Groves; as well as Gwen Hooper, a student of Sheilah McGregor-Pound, to an enthusiastic crowd of parents, siblings, grandparents and friends. This is always an enjoyable, informal gathering to listen to the students perform their music, some for the first time, in front of an audience.

After the recital, the students gathered around the piano and sang Christmas songs while the guests went through the line for the delicious meal that was provided.
Janice thanks the Friends of Rippey for having the piano tuned and for providing food and support for this program. Also, thank you to Maralynn Rinker for the lovely tree and decorations and to the Rippey city council for the use of the Community Room and support. A special thank you to the families of Carson Griffith and Judy Lint for the piano. Finally, thank you to the students, parents, and families for coming to lessons and practicing. Merry Christmas to all!