About 150 children and parents welcomed Santa and Mrs Claus as they arrived in Jefferson to light the Community Christmas tree Thursday. Last year they arrived on the back of a fire truck. This year’s ride was a little warmer, as they rode a limousine into town from the airport, where they left their sleigh and reindeer.

Families were invited to listen to Christmas stories read by Friends of the Library at the library before the tree lighting and at the courthouse rotunda afterward. The Greene County Singers added to the festive atmosphere with caroling and Jefferson Matters: Main Street served cookies and hot chocolate.
After the tree lighting the Clauses rode to the top of the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower where they continued their conversations with children.
The Thursday evening activities were planned by the Jefferson Matters Christmas committee, Thomas Jefferson Gardens, the Bell Tower Community Foundation, and the Friends of the Jefferson Public Library.
Santa Claus has planned two more visits to Greene County to be sure he knows what good boys and girls are hoping he’ll bring them.
Santa will be in the courthouse Sunday, Dec. 9, from 1 to 3 pm, and at the Welcome Center at the Thomas Jefferson Gardens Saturday, Dec. 15, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.