The Paton-Churdan chapter of the National Honor Society inducted new members Chloe Berns, Kyla Byers, Jacob Geisler and Madi Minnehan in a ceremony at the school theater Monday evening.
A cake reception for the new inductees and their families followed the ceremony.

Sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible for National Honor Society based on their scholarship achievement of maintaining a 3.0 grade point average. Eligible students must then apply for membership.
Applications are reviewed and scored based on a rubric. A faculty committee then reviews blind applications and selects new members based on the four pillars of National Honor Society– Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.
The Paton-Churdan National Honor Society is very active within P-C and in the community. Projects include helping with the weekly packing and distribution of Rocket Fuel Packs, Trunk-or-Treat, spring blood drive, and leading their school leadership team. It is the goal of P-C NHS to complete one service project a month.