Please send Rippey news to
Sept. 5, 2018
The Rippey library board of trustees held an open house Thursday, Aug. 30, in the community room for Shawneene Kenan, departing librarian. The board furnished the goodies, and the room and library were decorated in fall colors by Maralynn Rinker.

The afternoon was spent visiting with friends and well-wishers who came to thank Shawneene and wish her well.
Shawneene was presented with a gift certificate on behalf of the library board of trustees.
The Rippey Lions Club will meet Thursday, Sept.6, at 7 pm at the Rippey United Methodist Church. Members are asked to bring meat to grill and a dish to share. Dale Hanaman is in charge of the program.
Reminder: The Rippey UMC ice cream social is Sunday, Sept. 9, with serving starting at 4 pm