Farm Bureau holds appreciation picnic

Greene County Farm Bureau held a member appreciation picnic on Monday evening, Aug. 6, at Clover Hall in Jefferson. Approximately 100 members attended. Iowa Farm Bureau president Craig Hill gave the keynote address. Hill told members that this year marks Iowa Farm Bureau’s 100th anniversary of serving members and enriching Iowa’s communities.

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Reminder: Tall corn reduces visibility at intersections

Motorists in rural areas are reminded to be cautious at intersections where corn is planted. “Every intersection that has corn is a problem,” county sheriff Jack Williams said at the county supervisors meeting Monday. His comment followed county engineer Wade Weiss telling the supervisors he had already been asked by coworkers of Donnie Daniel about placing a memorial at the…

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Home food preservation topic of Aug. 28 class

Safe home food preservation will be the topic of an evening session Tuesday, Aug. 28, at the ISU Extension and Outreach office in Jefferson. Ann Heuer, ISU Extension & Outreach nutrition and wellness specialist will be the instructor at Food Preservation 101. Participants will be introduced to safe home food preservation methods including canning, dehydrating, and freezing. They will receive…

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Ag roundtable covers a variety of issues

The 2020 presidential campaign started Aug. 9 in Greene County with a trio of mid-term candidates having equal billing. Democrat Congressman John Delaney of Maryland, who declared his candidacy for president a year ago, was listed at the top of the program, but his campaign staff coordinated with the staffs of J.D. Scholten, candidate for Congress from Iowa’s Fourth Congressional…

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Candidate Weaver in Churdan Saturday

David Weaver, Democratic candidate for Iowa House District 47, will hold a public listening post on Saturday, Aug. 18, from 10 to 11 am at the Churdan Community Room on Sand Street in Churdan. The candidate will be on hand to listen to the public’s questions, concerns, and ideas about state government. Weaver will also provide an update on his…

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Corn, beans more than a week ahead of average season

Iowa farmers had 5.5 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending August 12, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Activities for the week included harvesting hay and oats for grain, spraying for aphids, and moving grain. Topsoil moisture levels across the state rated 12 percent very short, 23 percent short, 62 percent adequate and 3 percent surplus.…

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