Persons pleaded not guilty at arraignments in Greene County district court during the week ending Aug. 22 as follows: Chad Christopher Louk, 42, of Jefferson, assault causing bodily injury or mental illness; James Kenneth Harris, 31, of Woodward, domestic abuse assault- second offense; and Hayley Lynn Brown, 25, of Jefferson, operating while intoxicated- first offense. Trial dates were set for Oct. 30 in every case. Cases were initiated in district court as follows: Jennifer Marie Ashby, 45, of Jefferson, possession of marijuana- first offense; Dale Edward Ganoe, 40, of Jefferson, domestic abuse assault- second offense; James Michael Shutts, 51, of Belle Plaine, OWI-first offense; Benito Cervantes Ortiz, 18, 28, of Grand Junction, driving while license barred; and Steven Clifford Jones, 29, of Grand Junction, sex abuse- third degree.
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