The gymnasium at the Greene County Community Center is closed until Aug. 8 as the gym floor is being replaced.
A crew began taking out the 20-year-old SportCourt® Wednesday morning as the first step in installing a new SportCourt floor. According to Jefferson park and recreation director Vicky Lautner, the polypropylene floor has a life expectancy of 15 years. “It held up because we took good care of it,” she said.
The SportCourt was installed when the community center was built because it requires less maintenance and can withstand more wear and tear than a hardwood floor. Balls bounce the same as on hardwood floors, and the SportCourt’s “lateral forgiveness” helps reduce joint stress and fatigue.
Cost of the new floor is $60,900, Lautner said. Grow Greene County provided $45,900 for the project, and the remaining $15,000 is coming from PACE and the portion of the hotel/motel tax earmarked for recreation purposes.
Lautner was able to find buyers for the old floor.
The gym will be available – without flooring – for the Jefferson public library’s GCM Mini-Con Saturday afternoon. It is closed for other purposes until installation of the new floor is finished.