Community pep rally kicks off fall sports season

The plaza on the courthouse square was packed Tuesday evening as more than 300 student athletes, classmates, parents and members of the community gathered for a pep rally for all fall activities at Greene County High School. Local sportscaster Doug Rieder introduced Ram volleyball coach Donna Carhill, cross country coach Jeff Lamoureux, swimmers on the Boone high school swim team,…

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County youth succeed at Iowa State Fair

Members of the Horn of Plenty FFA chapter at Greene County High School won awards in FFA competition at the Iowa State Fair. In the FFA horse show on Aug. 16 Wade Wuebker showed the champion in the 2- to 5-year old walk trot class and Bailey Godwin showed the champion in the pony western pleasure class. Godwin also showed…

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More State Fair wins for Carlson

Edited Aug. 24 with more results In a state that’s known for its pie, Marianne Carlson won first place in the My Pie Basket competition Aug. 18 at the Iowa State Fair. She received a $20 gift card for her prize-winning pie. Contestants were challenged to create an award worthy two-crust fruit pie.

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New daycare center nixed, at least for now

Supes also hear update on bridge work, lightning strike A committee looking at opening a satellite location of the Greene County Early Learning Center in Scranton is “regrouping” before deciding how to proceed. County supervisor Dawn Rudolph, a member of the committee that was exploring using the former Scranton congregate meal site for a daycare center, told the board of…

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Grand Junction school to be demolished

The Grand Junction city council has voted not to attempt to keep the former Grand Junction school building standing. The decision was made at the council’s regular meeting Aug. 14. The council had held a town hall meeting July 31 to hear input from residents. The majority of those who spoke at the July meeting said demolishing the building was…

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There’s a lot of warm history in quilting

Greene County Historical Society program Sept. 1 ~by Chuck Offenburger for the Greene County Historical Society The deep historical roots of quilting, as well as its mushrooming popularity today, will be the subject of the Greene County Historical Society program on Friday, Sept. 1, at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Cedar Township, five miles west of Churdan.

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Iowa farmers welcome rain

Much needed rain fell throughout the state of Iowa during the week ending Aug. 20, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Statewide there were 4.8 days suitable for fieldwork. Activities for the week included haying and hauling grain. Topsoil moisture levels statewide improved to 19 percent very short, 31 percent short, 49 percent adequate and 1 percent surplus.…

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