Beta Tau Delta recently awarded a total of $2,000 to the Greene County elementary, middle and high schools, the Paton-Churdan school, and the Greene County school nurses for students in need.
“We will be using the donations to purchase things to help make a child’s life better so they can be successful in school and in their lives,” said business education teacher and Interact Club advisor Teresa Green on behalf of the group.

“These items might include shoes for an athlete, clothing for a student, winter coats and gloves, school supplies, food for a student who may not have a meal over the weekend, laundry soap, personal care items, fees for certain contests if they cannot afford the fees, clothing for a student who may have lost everything in a fire, and other needs that may arise. We may also use them at prom time if a student cannot afford to go to prom on their own,” Green continued.
Beta Tau Delta has been raising funds to support children’s programs, projects and children in need for the past 100 years. All funds raised go to support children’s needs in Greene County only. Click here to see how you can help.