Last month Greene County Extension’s 4-H and Kids with a Connection programs teamed up with New Opportunities to hold their second annual Books and Board Games Drive. 4-H members, Kids with a Connection participants and community members donated their new or gently used books and boards games for New Opportunities to give out at Christmas time. More than 500 items were dropped off at the Extension office last month, topping last year’s collection of 400 items.

Kayla Willms, Greene County youth & 4-H coordinator said, “We are so grateful for the amount of books and board games that have been donated over the last two years and the community support we have had. I look forward to continuing this tradition in future years.”
4-H members have an incentive to donate their books and board games each year. The club with the most donations each year wins an ice cream party. Last year, Scranton Barn Stormers took home the win. This year there is a new winner – the Greenbrier 4-H Club will enjoy the ice cream party.
Persons who want to learn more about how 4-H empowers young people in your community with skills to lead for a lifetime can visit