Greene County Community Schools director of technology Tim Buenz was recently presented with the Iowa Technology & Education Connection (ITEC) Local Leadership Award at the annual ITEC Conference in Des Moines.
Buenz is starting his 31st year in education in Jefferson. He began his career after graduating from Wayne State, NE, as an industrial technology teacher and coach in the Jefferson and Scranton districts in 1986.
In 1988, Buenz became the computer coordinator and middle school industrial technology teacher. In 1991, he was hired in a newly created full-time position of computer coordinator and teacher and then as a technology director in 1994.
He has witnessed many changes and advancements in his years of educational technology leadership and support. Buenz has been an ICUE and ITEC board member, was a former president of ICUE, was named ICUE Educator of the Year in 1993, and received a Distinguished Service Award from ITEC in 2007.
Nomination letters from Greene County staff members and from colleagues around the state cited Buenz for his 24-7, 365 days/year work ethic; for being a mentor for many other technology directors; and, for always looking for ways to offer the best to his staff, students, and community while getting the best bang for the taxpayers’ dollars.
Buenz’s leadership and vision in the district’s 1:1 Chromebook initiative in grades 5-12, the digital learning and teaching (DLT) classroom concept, and his involvement in his community were also noted