Leadership Iowa, the state’s premier issues awareness program, has selected Greene County as one of its featured communities for its upcoming 2017-18 program.
During the November 1-3 session, more than 40 current and emerging leaders from Iowa will learn about state and local economic development initiatives and the state’s manufacturing industry, tour Greene County businesses and speak with area and statewide leaders. This is the second time Jefferson has hosted the Leadership Iowa program; the first was the healthcare session in 1993.
“There’s quite a buzz about the great things that are happening in Greene County and its communities,” said Kay Neumann-Thomas, vice president of programs for Leadership Iowa. “Leadership Iowa introduces communities to our class, which serves as inspiration for these leaders to return home and put what they’ve learned in action.”
Leadership Iowa is one of the state’s most respected professional development opportunities and a program of the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI) Foundation. Participants, selected annually, travel to eight communities to learn about the issues facing Iowa and gain a better understanding of the role they can play in addressing those challenges.
In addition to Greene County/Jefferson, other host areas for the 2017-18 program include Winterset/Madison County, Decorah, Des Moines, Clinton, Fairfield, Hampton/Franklin County and Coralville/Iowa City. In addition to economic development and manufacturing, topics examined by Leadership Iowa include education, government, innovation, entrepreneurship, agriculture/renewable energy and workforce.
Planning for the Greene County session is led by Leadership Iowa alumni from the area including Carole Custer (LI 1984-85), Jacque Andrew (LI 1989-90), Nicole Peckumn (LI 2015-16) and Chris Deal (LI 2016-17). Kay Snyder (LI 2012-13), director of marketing and communications for the Iowa Area Development Group, is also serving on the committee as a representative from the Leadership Iowa curriculum committee.

“The ultimate goal of Leadership Iowa is to instill a passion in our current and emerging leaders while fostering a high level of civic engagement. Since its inception in 1982, Leadership Iowa has graduated over a thousand men and women from the private and public sector. This diverse group of alumni represents every geographical region of the state and virtually all walks of life,” Neumann-Thomas explained.
The ABI Foundation is a statewide organization with a mission of building partnerships between business, education and communities. The Foundation also provides resources and forums that develop professional and personal responsibility, and leadership for our communities and our state.