More than 180 toddlers and their parents found plenty to do at the Toddler Fest Saturday morning. The county-wide event is planned and put on by the Greene County librarians with funding from the Greene County supervisors.
New to this year’s Toddler Fest was a fire safety trailer brought to the event by Jefferson Elks lodge 2306. Children in the trailer learned about hazards in the kitchen, practiced dialing 9-1-1 and crawling under smoke, and even got to climb down a ladder hanging from a window.

Children also were able to get inside a Jefferson fire department pickup truck and a Jefferson police car, and to talk with the policemen.
Activities inside the Greene County Community Center included bubble games, grocery shopping, fishing, building with blocks, and much more. The children got balloon creations by Ricky Eugene and a new book to take home. The books were provided and handed out by the Jefferson Rotary Club.