The three Ring Out for Art sculptures that have been on display on the Bell Tower Festival Plaza in Jefferson since the 2016 Bell Tower Festival are now available for sale by direct contact with the artists.
The Iowa sculptors will work with the buyer to move the sculpture to a new location as they’ll soon be replaced by new entries in the 2017 contest.
Jefferson Matters: Main Street’s Tower View Team encourages businesses and organizations to consider purchasing these creative pieces of art to stay in Greene County.

The Ring Out for Art competition is a project co-sponsored by the Tower View Team and Home State Bank of Jefferson. The second set of sculptures will be delivered in late May and voted at the 2017 Bell Tower Festival.
Available for sale are:
“Resonance” by Tim Adams of Webster City, owner of Stony Creek Landscapes. tim@stonycreeklandscapes.com, 515-832-1281
“Resonance” by Whitney Kibbie of Emmetsburg, whitneykibbie@gmail.com, 712-298-0375

“Steel Rider” by Randy Monthei of Greene County Motorcycle Charity, rmonthei@netins.net, 515-370-2866