The city of Jefferson could save hundreds of dollars in putting cemetery management software online thanks to the Greene County Genealogical Society. The city council at its Oct. 11 meeting approved the purchase of Grave Discover® for the two city-owned cemeteries. Grave Discover creates a database of gravesites that can be searched anywhere there’s internet access. Cost is $500 initially…
Read MoreYear: 2016
WC Iowa behind average on corn harvest, ahead of average on soybeans
Although there were 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork statewide during the week ending Oct. 23, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, corn for grain and soybean harvest progress remains behind both the previous year and the five-year average. Besides harvest, other activities included chopping and baling corn stalks, tillage, and manure applications.
Read MoreIn the neighborhood
Please send your news item to Jean Borgeson at Oct. 24, 2016 The city of Rippey has set Friday, Oct. 28, from 5 to 7 as Beggars’ Night. The date was set not to interfere with the Cartober Fest on Oct. 29.
Read MoreNotice: Ghosts, princesses and super heroes in Jefferson Thursday
All area youngsters are invited to Jefferson for Halloween fun this Thursday, Oct. 27. The Halloween trifecta begins with the Jefferson park and recreation department’s come-and-go party at the Greene County Community Center. Registration will begin at 3:45 pm, with the party from 4 to 5 pm. With help from the Greene County High School Interact Club children ages 2…
Read MoreGreene County girls win squat competition at NASA powerlifting tourney
The Greene County girls powerlifting team placed first in the squatting team competition at a NASA (National Athlete Strength Association) powerlifting tournament in Des Moines Oct. 22.
Read MoreGreene County district court, week ending Oct. 20
In Greene County district court Joseph Donald Andrews, 33, of Gowrie was sentenced Oct. 20 to two years in prison after he changed his plea to guilty to a charge of carrying weapons. The prison sentence was suspended and he was placed on probation for two years. Andrews was fined $625 with a $218.75 surcharge and restitution for his court…
Read MoreGreene County magistrate court, week ending Oct. 20
In Greene County magistrate court a judgment was entered against Shane Detlef Coil of Jefferson on a charge of criminal mischief- fifth degree. He was fined $65 with a $22.75 surcharge. Coil must also pay a $125 law enforcement initiative surcharge, $600 restitution for his court appointed attorney, $450 victim restitution, and $121 court costs. The charge was amended from…
Read MoreA.P.E. introduces mobile vet clinic
Animal Protection and Education (A.P.E.) of Paton rolled out its new mobile veterinary clinic at the Great Iowa Pet Expo in Des Moines this weekend. The rig, a conversion of a 1997 Born Free motor home, is the first non-profit mobile veterinary clinic in Iowa. A.P.E. will use it in providing trap-neuter-return (TNR) and low-cost spay and neuter clinics in…
Read MoreElections topic of Community Conversation Nov. 3
Community Conversations, a free public event hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church, will be held Thursday, Nov. 3, at the church, 801 W. Lincoln Way, in Jefferson. Billie Jo Hoskins, deputy auditor for elections, will speak at 5:30 pm, following snacks and visiting at 5 pm.
Read MorePancakes in Scranton Nov. 5
Scranton Betterment will serve a pancake supper Saturday, Nov. 5, from 5 to 7 pm at the Scranton Community Center lunch room (use the south entrance). A free will donations will be accepted. Call 712-652-3344 for carry-outs.
Read MoreWeather data, week ending Oct. 21
Aside from early morning fog that delayed farmers getting to their fields Sunday and Monday, Jefferson residents enjoyed nearly perfect autumn weather during the week that ended Oct. 21. There was one last taste of summer, a high of 88 degrees on Monday, and a reminder that winter is on its way, with a low temperature of 33 degrees on…
Read MorePheasant season begins Oct. 29; counts look good
Iowa’s pheasant hunting tradition will begin another chapter on Oct. 29, when nearly 60,000 hunters will pursue ringnecks during the season opening weekend in fields across the state.
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