Greene County engineer Wade Weiss discussed again with the county supervisors selling the former National Guard armory to the Greene County school district for use as a bus garage and storage space.

The armory is now owned by the county and used for cold storage by the secondary roads department. The Greene County Schools board of education last spring signed a one year lease with the Greene County Fair Association to continue renting space at the fairgrounds for bus storage, with the intention of completing purchase of the old armory in that time. The school’s lease expires next June 30.
The county acquired the armory from the Greene County Development Corporation years ago when the National Guard unit was reassigned. The agreement was that the county would not profit from an eventual sale of the building, that it be sold for no more than the county has invested in it. Weiss said he can justify $250,000 in costs, including labor.
Weiss is proposing building a 10,000 square-foot (100 X 100-ft) steel span building with 20-foot sidewalls. The doors will be configured on one end for shop space with two bays, and part of the space will potentially be used for offices It will be located near the county’s current building on W. Wall St. Cost is estimated at $380,000.
He suggested the net cost to the county – $130,000 – could be spread out over two budget years. Some of the equipment now stored at the armory could be stored outside until the building is ready, he said.
“This is good for the school system and good for us,” Weiss said. One of the more important advantages to the location for the schools is the fueling station there. School bus drivers now fuel-up their buses at Oly’s Corner, requiring careful maneuvering when other customers are present.
The supervisors asked Weiss to continue pursuing the sale and to bring more information before a purchase agreement is drafted. A public hearing will be held before county property is sold.
And about the weather: Weiss told the supervisors the crew this week is mixing sand and salt for winter use on road.