A.P.E. introduces mobile vet clinic

Animal Protection and Education (A.P.E.) of Paton rolled out its new mobile veterinary clinic at the Great Iowa Pet Expo in Des Moines this weekend. The rig, a conversion of a 1997 Born Free motor home, is the first non-profit mobile veterinary clinic in Iowa. A.P.E. will use it in providing trap-neuter-return (TNR) and low-cost spay and neuter clinics in…

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Weather data, week ending Oct. 21

Aside from early morning fog that delayed farmers getting to their fields Sunday and Monday, Jefferson residents enjoyed nearly perfect autumn weather during the week that ended Oct. 21. There was one last taste of summer, a high of 88 degrees on Monday, and a reminder that winter is on its way, with a low temperature of 33 degrees on…

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