In the neighborhood

RippeyPlease send your news item to Jean Borgeson at

Oct. 17, 2016

The city of Rippey has set Friday, Oct. 28, from 5 to 7 as Beggars’ Night. The date was set not to interfere with the Cartober Fest on Oct. 29.

Rippey public library:  Librarian, Katrina Buttler; phone: 515.436.7714; website:; E-mail:

HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 2-6 pm; Wednesday 3-6 pm; Thursday 2-7 pm; Friday 3-6 pm. Katrina’s Korner – Remember the Rippey Fall Festival and Cartober Fest Saturday, Oct. 29. There will be a car show (all cars, trucks, tractors and motorcycles are welcome!), games, prizes, horseshoe and bean bag tournaments, live bands, crafts for the kids, caramel apples, barbecue cook-off, a soup and chili cook-off, bake sale, vendor tables and much more! The Disney movie “Hocus Pocus” will begin inside at 5:15 pm. Call the library for more information.

Rippey United Methodist Church:  PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastor: Paul Burrow, Pastor Rosa Soto. Phone: 515-436-7731

Adult Sunday school at 9:30 am; worship at 11 am; THUG youth group at 6 pm. Every Tuesday, quilters at 9 am, coffee and fellowship at 10 am. Every Wednesday, choir practice at 7 pm.

Gifts for Blankets Plus – Donations for Blankets Plus to help those in our country and around the world. Your gifs provide blankets, seeds, tools and much more for those suffering from natural disasters and in need for other reasons.  Please share your gifts by Sunday, Oct. 30.

True Heroes Under God (THUG) to Reggie’s Sleepout – THUG will participate in Reggie’s Sleepout again this year.  On Oct. 22 THUG will sleep in a cardboard box to raise money for Iowa Homeless Youth Shelters.  Reggie’s Sleepout is an annual event supporting Iowa Homeless Youth Centers (IHYC) and the many homeless youth in central Iowa. Iowa Homeless Youth Centers works with homeless youth ages 16-21 or up to 25 if parenting or pregnant.

Our goal is to raise $800 for this great cause. You can help by going to the website and clicking on “Donate to a Camper.”  Cash or check is fine, also, and can be made out to THUG in care of Rippey United Methodist Church.

Those attending this year are Courtney Johnson, Kaitlyn McColley, Arthur Bardole, Catelyne Davis, Natalie Payan, and Jordan Davis. Angela Hansen-Abbas, their leader, and her husband Jason Abbas will be participating, also. 

News in and around Rippey:

September weekend guests in the home of Virgene Morse were Kelsey Blanshan of Ankeny and Kevin and Delores Blanshan of Waterloo. Kelsey brought Hickory Park supper for them to enjoy and they spent time visiting as well as doing a few odd jobs for Grandma! Recent guests in the Morse home were Eric Blanshan and his fiancé Dana Andersen of Colorado along with Kelsey Blanshan. They spent time looking at Grandma and Grandpa Morse’s travel memorabilia and enjoyed making chili dogs in  Grandma’s kitchen. Dana got to have her first taste of Grandma’s homemade applesauce.  It was a great weekend for Grandma!

Recently, Joe and Anna Spartz from Ham Lake, MN, drove down to spend time with his sister Connie Neese.  Their goal was to eat lunch at the LUCKY PIG in Ogden.  They were happy customers of the prize winning tenderloin and homemade pie. Connie received a huge bouquet of mums and homemade pumpkin bars.  The time flew by.  The couple returned home that evening.

Mary Weaver went to Sioux City on Saturday, Oct. 15, to be with her grandchildren Nathan and Lauryn Basye as their parents were coordinators of the Grace Methodist Church turkey dinner. They went rock climbing, swimming, and shopping along with attending the turkey dinner meal. Sunday Gary, David, and Ada drove to the Basyes’ so the family could celebrate Nathan’s 11th birthday. Regrets were sent by Emily Weaver who remained at home to care for their new puppy.

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