Healthiest State Walk is Wednesday

healthiest-stateGreene County residents are invited to join Iowa’s 6th “Healthiest State Walk” Wednesday, Oct. 5, at noon. Greene County residents have participated in all five previous walks and the tradition continues.

Local walkers are asked to meet at the Greene County Community Center parking lot shortly before noon. The walk will go up to and around the square and end up back at the Community Center where a grilled lunch will be available for a minimal charge. The lunch is made possible by donations from Fareway, Greene County Medical Center and Hy-Vee.

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The walk is coordinated by the Jefferson park and recreation department. JPRD director Vicky Lautner said, “Last year we had just under 100 walkers end up at the Community Center and we’d like to increase that number this year.”

Businesses are encouraged to have employees walk from the workplace to the Community Center or arrange 30 minute walks in the vicinity of their business. The 30 minute goal this year is new, but manageable. A walk to and around the square, a grilled lunch and a walk back to your home or work place should meet the 30 minute goal and the better goal of doing it as a community, together.

The Healthiest State Initiative is a privately-led public effort that engages Iowans and their communities throughout the state. It involves individuals, families, businesses, faith-based organizations, not-for-profits and the public sector in a broad-based, community-focused effort. For more information, visit

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