4-H news

4-HHardin Happy Husters: The regular monthly meeting of the Hardin Happy Hustlers was held on Sunday, Sept. 11, at the Extension office in Jefferson. There were 16 members present.

Discussion was held about the 2016 Greene County Fair, the upcoming awards day in October and re-enrollment for the coming year.

With the addition of several new members over the last two years, it was decided that new club shirts should be ordered. Kathy Marshall will visit with Muir’s Embroidery Store to see about changing up the design slightly. A color scheme of light blue with yellow writing was decided upon. Kathy will bring an example of the new design and colors to the October meeting.

In October we are planning to have our annual fundraiser of a cookout at Landus Co-op in Jefferson. We will not be using the Cattlemen’s grill this year so alternatives to cooking were discussed. The leaders will do the grilling at their home and bring the cooked meat in roaster pans. More discussion on the cookout will be held next month at the Oct. 2 meeting. Volunteers for presentations at the October meeting were Izzy Bravard, Tieryn Tucker and Abby Kozal.

Election of officers was held for this coming year, new and returning officers are president Jared Marshall, vice president Lucas Fisher, secretary Hannah Curtis, treasurer Ben Bravard and activity directors Izzy Bravard, Lauryn Killion and Shailynne Woodley.

The group adjourned to do ditch cleanup. The club has a designated 2-mile stretch on Highway 4 just north of Jefferson. After ditch cleanup was completed, the club headed to Dairy Queen for treats.hardin-happy-hustlers

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