Southwest Iowa fair reps hold fall meeting in Jefferson

~by The Scranton Journal

 Representatives from 16 of the 18 counties in the southwest district of the Association of Iowa Fairs were in attendance Saturday evening when the Greene County Fair board hosted the fall meeting.

Presiding at the meeting were Paul Quam of Jefferson, district chairman, and Doug Hawn, secretary/treasurer, both of Greene County. Along with John Straight of Harrison County, a unanimous ballot was cast for their re-election for the next year.

Jim Mohr of Coon Rapids was honored for having served the maximum of 12 years on the Association of Iowa Fairs board. Danny Olson of Red Oak was elected as his replacement. Mohr thanked everyone in the southwest district for their support and deeply appreciated the many friendships he and his wife Cherie have made through the organization.

Quam is also a member of the Association of Iowa Fairs Board. He shared admiration for the work the Mohrs had done for the Association, noting they “got two for the price of one and they left big shoes to fill.”

He also mentioned a business associate likes to tease him about his service to the fair board, calling it “an affair.” Through the Southwest District, Quam visited most of the annual fairs, reporting “17 affairs all in one month.”

Roll call was answered by each county naming successful events held this year that were inexpensive to facilitate. Several of the responses could be easily duplicated by other fairs.

It was noted that most county fairs are struggling for funding. All expect to see declining livestock numbers as farmers continue to age and fewer younger families are living on farms.

Growth is expected in poultry and rabbits that can be raised either in towns or on acreages. Community barns where youngsters can raise their animals on a farmer’s property have been successful in enticing more participation by youth with parents not engaged in farming.

CW Thomas of Guthrie Center and Gary VanAernam of Audubon County provided a report on the Iowa State Fair as State Fair Board members. Another successful year was noted with attendance topping the one million mark again. They gave updates on the plans for the 2017 fair with many more improvements in the works.

Other reports were given including legislative and state funding. Door prizes provided by local merchants were awarded to lucky winners.

Guthrie County hosted the spring meeting and with Greene County hosting the fall event, it will be another eight years before the group returns to the two counties. The 18 counties take turns hosting the twice yearly meetings.

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