Letter to the editor – Bill Monroe

The Greater Good

Throughout our history as a nation, and even to create our nation, there has been an American virtue. What is it? When have we seen it? Is it still there?

The Greater Good is a virtue that showed itself in our nation as early as before the Revolution. Here, men and women placed the independence for all States above their own comfort, wealth, and even their lives. They were not even sure what independence would look like, but they risked all to make it happen.

Fast forward several decades. We were a nation at risk of division or dissolving. Iowa was a new state. But a war was being waged to determine our nation’s future. Volunteers from Iowa were among the best troops. The proportion of Iowans entering the war was among the highest in all the land. They had nothing to gain and all to lose, but they saw the Greater Good of a nation united and a defeat of slavery.

World War I – the war to end all wars. Again Americans gave it all for the greater good.

World War II – Millions gave it ALL for the greater good of a world free from fascism. Women and children worked and rationed and saved here at home for the Greater Good. Our nation worked together and with other nations for that Greater Good.

Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan all saw soldiers following the orders of their Commander in Chief. Many may not have agreed with the direction he was leading us, but they went for the Greater Good of our Nation.

What other events were for the Greater Good? The Social Security Act that so many rely on was for the Greater Good. The National Parks were created for the Greater Good. Our water and sewer treatment plants are for the Greater Good.

Now we have an issue before us that seems to call us back to the Greater Good. What holds us back? Have we lost that as a people? I hear reasons to avoid the Greater Good such as “I don’t like the school administration” or, “I don’t trust the school board” or, “I don’t want my taxes to go up”. Also mentioned are the closing of too many buildings, or that security is not that important in Greene County.

Really? Have we as a people sunk to such petty grievances and greed that we would not see our county’s children as a Greater Good cause? I am sure there are a few teachers that may not see eye to eye with administration. Who always agrees with their supervisor at work? The school board is elected and does its best to conduct the VERY complicated work of running our schools.

Mistakes have probably been made over the decades. But deny our children of a better, safer education because of that? Where is our Greater Good? Nobody in our great nation’s history has EVER wanted to pay more taxes, but taxes are necessary for the Greater Good whether good defense, good roads, or good schools.

In my 29 years of being a Greene county resident, I have ALWAYS felt that I got my Greater Good for the taxes that I pay for others’ Greater Good. We live in a safe, attractive community with good parks, good streets, and I hope even better schools.

Let’s keep the Greater Good around for the next hundred years in Greene County. Vote YES for the children’s Greater Good!


Bill Monroe, Jefferson



he Greater Good


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