Letter to the editor – David John

It’s all about the community

To the editor,

Many people have given many good reasons for voting yes on the upcoming school bond issue. I don’t need to go over those reasons again, although I agree with all of them.

For me, it’s not just about the school bond. The issue is bigger than the local school. It’s about our society and our community. It seems as though we have lost a sense of community throughout this country.

A lot of people in Greene County have worked really hard to make Greene County a desirable place to live and they deserve our hearty thanks.

A yes vote on the school bond issue would be great for Greene County and another step forward in those efforts. It also sends a bigger message: that we believe in the concept of community; that we look to the future with hope and optimism; and that we are willing to sacrifice for our local community, the larger community, and our country. A good school in a local community benefits everyone far and wide.

We all do better when we all do better. Vote yes on Sept. 13.

David John, Jefferson

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