Yard of the Month honors to Kinseys

The Jefferson Garden Club has awarded August Yard of the Month honors to Craig and Polly Kinsey who live at 804 W. Lincoln Way.

A rock garden in the front yard shows off a river birch tree surrounded by a dwarf Korean lilac and daisy plants. Rocks of all sizes surround the border of their house. Polly collects rocks and places them throughout the yard.

Yardo KinnseysIn the back a large crab apple tree adds shade. Other plants in the area include honeysuckle, ornamental grasses and rose-pink flowering sedum. An old bicycle adds decoration at the base of the deck. Also in the backyard grows an outstanding vegetable garden with peppers, cucumber, tomatoes and a large asparagus bed at the north end.

Pictured are Craig and Polly Kinsey and Garden Club member Mary Ellen Holz (right).

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