Local Farm Bureau holds annual meeting

Greene County Farm Bureau members met for their annual meeting Tuesday, Aug. 9, at Clover Hall on the Greene County Fairgrounds. The business meeting followed a catered roast beef dinner served by local 4-H members.

President John McCormick called the business meeting to order and recognized board members, Financial Services agents and sales associates who were present.

County voting delegate Perry Parker presented the ballot for 2016: president John McCormick, vice president James Holz, secretary Mark Naberhaus, and treasurer Barry Anderson. Directors at large are John Beltz, Adam Ebersole, Jim Giese, Jason Reedy and Bill Sutton.

Holz, policy development chairman, presented the proposed resolutions to the membership.

Dan Frederick (left) and Dave Briggs
Dan Frederick (left) and Dave Briggs

Board member Dan Frederick presented the 2016 Distinguished Service to Ag award to Dave Briggs of Johnston, formerly of Jefferson. Briggs retired as vocational agriculture teacher at Jefferson-Scranton/Greene County in 2013 after 26 years there. He had started his teaching career after 10 years of farming with his wife Anita’s family.

While teaching, he earned and received many accolades including Iowa Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association outstanding young member award and outstanding agriculture education program. In 1997 he was named Iowa Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association outstanding Agriculture Education Teacher and AgriScience Teacher of the Year National finalist.

Board member Bill Sutton introduced guest speaker Terry Rich, president and CEO of the Iowa Lottery and author of the book “Dare to Dream, Dare to Act”.

At the close of the meeting, names were drawn for door prizes provided by Farm Bureau Financial Services agents Damon Clancy and Kim Tjepkes and Greene County Farm Bureau. Winners of autographed copies of Rich’s “Dare to Dream, Dare to Act” were Donna Smith, Amber Kenan, Larry Frazier and Michael Henning. Winners of $20 gift cards were Bea Freeman, The Printer’s Box; Harold Hoyle, A & W Family Restaurant; Milton Grothe, Don’s Ace Hardware; and Addie’s, Mick Burkett. Willard Hostetler and Sandy Ford won Farm Strong T-shirts and Farm Bureau hats. Joeline Carstensen won a Friends of Rippey cookbook and Robert Holz won a Grand Junction First Presbyterian Church cookbook. Stephen Molle won a 2017 Greene County Farm Bureau membership.

Terry Rich was guest speaker
Terry Rich was guest speaker




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