Supervisors slate extra meeting to score proposed hog CAFOs

The Greene County supervisors will meet Thursday, Aug. 18, to review scoring on the master matrices for two proposed confinement feeding operations.

Up for review will be the master matrix for JEMMB Pork Site in Section 28 of Highland Township (Jill and Mitch Stream) and Hardin Site in Section 23 of Bristol Township (Travis and Lynn Hardin).

Public hearings are scheduled for Monday, Aug. 22, at 9 am for Streams and at 9:30 for Hardins. Streams and Hardins are Greene County residents and established farmers.

The supervisors last week voted 4-1 to recommend to the Iowa DNR disapproval of a construction permit for Felix Finisher in Section 19 of Bristol Township. One reason for the negative vote was that Granite Farms IV, owner of the operation, has no ties to Greene County.


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