Please send your news item to Jean Borgeson at
June 21, 2016
An Idea, a proposal, city and library support equals a music recital in Rippey: In December, 2015, the piano of Carson Griffith was donated to the Rippey Community Room. Rather than just having it sit there unused, Janice Johnston had an idea forming in her head and brought a request to the city council in April. Rippey mayor Dan Brubaker and the Rippey city council gave approval for Janice to give piano lessons to the children of Rippey. They determined the Community Room to be opened every Wednesday afternoon for lessons at no charge.
Soon, several children wanted to begin lessons. Janice needed music books and funds to purchase additional keyboards so group lessons could be given. As word got out about this special project, almost by magic, donations came from individuals, Friends of Rippey and the Rippey Lions Club. Three keyboards were purchased. Under an arrangement with the library board and the Rippey librarian, the keyboards may be checked out to practice on during library hours. (Yes, they have ear phones)
On Tuesday, June 14, a music recital was held in the Rippey Community Room featuring some of the students of Janice. Mary Weaver was the emcee and introduced each student with a little information on their musical journey so far.
Approximately 40 fans of the young musicians filled the room to support the 10 young people who performed. Some were familiar with performing, and for some this was their first recital. The kids were excited, and if nervous, Janice was sitting right by them encouraging them on. Oh, how their faces beamed when the crowd applauded their efforts!
The audience was treated to piano solos, violin solos, with some playing duets with their teacher. The students represented the communities of Coon Rapids, Perry, Jefferson and Rippey.
Betty Griffith was recognized and Janice thanked the Griffith and Lint families for their inspiration and encouragement to help bring musical opportunities to our community.
Cookies and punch was served afterwards and many lingered, visiting, while waiting for the storm of the evening to pass by. The night made this old lady’s heart swell with pride that this was happening in little Rippey, Iowa, just because someone had an idea! Thank you to all those involved that helped support Janice’s efforts!

Rest in Peace, Keith Devilbiss: Rippey residents were saddened by the death of Keith Devilbiss, 78, in an ATV accident in Rippey Wednesday, June 15. Local poet Nancy Bardole Hanaman wrote a tribute to Keith. To read the poem, click here: Friend to All
Rippey United Methodist Church: PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastor: Paul Burrow, Pastor Rosa Soto. Phone: 515-436-7731
Adult Sunday school at 9:45 am; worship at 11 am. Every Tuesday, quilters at 9 am, coffee and fellowship at 10 am.
Children’s Sunday school will not meet until September. Choir will not meet over the summer. There is a sign up sheet in Fellowship Hall for special music this summer. Share your talents with us.
Recognition Sunday: Sunday, June 12, the Rippey Methodist Church celebrated its Sunday school classes and recognized the students for their good attendance throughout the year. For missing seven Sundays or less from September-May, each received a bar for their pin. We had six students receive pins; they were Arthur and Avery Bardole a seven-year pin, Aden Bardole a six-year pin, Courtney Johnson a four-year pin, and Kaitlyn and Emma McColley a two-year pin.
We also had each Sunday school class tell the congregation about their curriculum for this past year. It was nice to hear what each class is learning. We also recognized Danielle Johnson, who graduated from high school and will receive a Bible from the church.
It was announced that this year’s Sunday school project was Bidwell Riverside and we have raised $573 for them. We plan to take this donation to them in the near future, and hopefully be able to also do some work for them while we are there. Submitted by Mary Hick, Sunday school superintendent.
Rippey public library: Librarian, Katrina Buttler; phone: 515.436.7714; website:; E-mail:
HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 2-6 pm; Wednesday 3-6 pm; Thursday 2-7 pm; Friday 3-6 pm.
Summer Reading Program On Your Mark, Get Set, Read starts June 6th – all ages
Every Tuesday in June and July there is an activity at the library from 2:30 to 4 pm.
Every Thursday in June and July is Movie Day at 2:30 pm.
There are many prizes and giveaways for participating in the Summer Reading Program.
News in and around Rippey
Father’s Day cookout: Chris and Carrie McCain of Ogden and Marc Monthei of Des Moines celebrated Father’s Day with their dad Gail Monthei of Rippey. After eating a “healthy” lunch of grilled chicken and a lite salad, Carrie expressed that it was a day of celebration, as both she and her dad have some health problems that have given her a true appreciation of life. Both continue their recoveries to good health and the afternoon was spent visiting and reminiscing. Gail’s friend Pam from Humboldt also joined the group for the day.