~courtesy of The Scranton Journal
The H.F. and Maude E. Marchant Memorial Library of Scranton recently updated its computers and software to provide better service to the community.
Shown at four of the new machines are (from left) trustees Chantel Kirk (vice president), Bill Scrivner, Jan Morlan (secretary), and Dave Dideriksen (president) with director Sheryl Hoyt.
Funding for the project was provided by a $3,000 grant from the Greene County Community Foundation. The balance of the almost $8,000 cost came from the Dixon estate, from which the library trustees received funds earlier this year.
The new PCs were built and installed by Brian Hoffman of Compusense in Jefferson. Plans are to offer computer training and software usage classes to the community. Watch for further details.
The Library board deeply appreciates the funding from GCCF, the Dixon estate and Hoffman.